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Inside IT DecisionMakers’ Minds: Security & Compliance in the Hybrid Workforce

Inside IT DecisionMakers’ Minds: Security & Compliance in the Hybrid Workforce


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The rise of hybrid work environments has become pivotal in the modern workplace, reshaping how and where we work. Today, 83% of the global workforce is championing a revolutionary hybrid work model, blending remote work with in-office collaboration, as cited by Accenture.

To better understand how IT leaders arenavigating this new landscape, Foundry Researchconducted a Rapid Response MarketPulse Surveyon behalf of Dizzion and VMware. The surveycollected responses from 147 senior IT decisionmakers across North America within organizationswith 500 or more employees. Conducted online inJuly 2023, the survey provides a comprehensivesnapshot of the current trends and prioritiesshaping IT strategies in the era of hybrid work.

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